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Book Review/Discussion - A Discovery of Witches book one

This blog will 100% contain spoilers of both the book version and the Sky series of 'A Discovery of Witches' I plan to give an overview of the story and discuss the characters and settings. This DOES include revealing the end of book one/series one - You have been warned!

Back in January 2021 (not that far back but still) I binged watched the series A Discovery of Witches (ADOW) seasons one and two - and fell in love! I immediately went looking for the book trilogy, authored by Deborah Harkness, and ended up ordering the first four books to come quicker than the bingeing ended. So, brew yourself up a cup of tea (the good 'ol way Marthe does it - or close enough) and let's dive into the world of witches, vampires and daemons.

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness


I have truly enjoyed reading this book and I'm steadily looking forward to read the next two in the series: Shadow of Night and The Book of Life.

The story is very well written, it's not at all predictable yet all the things you want to happen (in a romantic setting) happens which is miraculously satisfying as a reader. Deborah Harkness has a way of using beautiful words within her many descriptions of everything inside this world. The progression of the story was level and flowed gracefully, everything you needed to know was told without the interruption of any pointless scenarios.

The characters across the board were strong, fascinating and yet left you wanting to find out more! (thank god it's a trilogy) Matthew Clairmont is well practised in chivalry which is very attractive to read, his need to protect and be close to Diana is the type of characteristic that is heavily adored in this genre. At the same time, Diana is a very head strong woman who does not need to be told what to do and can look after herself, yet she admits to herself that her life wouldn't be complete without Matthew in it.

The world that this story introduces you to is one that truly is fascinating. The rules and reasons behind vampires stem differently from what we usually expect from these creatures, e.g Matthew can drink wine, eat raw foods and go to sleep. His heart beats but slowly and he can draw breath. Even though these things don't need to happen regularly, it is extremely intriguing when it happens. There's so much more that makes this type of vampire species a breath of fresh air in the fantasy vampire pool, making this a very alluring read. Witches and Daemons within this world, too, are also incredibly interesting to get to know. The many powers of witches and the talents and creativity of Daemons are very imaginative and pulls the reader to continue reading, opening up the fantasy world that is different from our own.

A Discovery of Witches: A quick - very badly written - story overview

Immediately when you dive into the book, you're hit with Diana's thoughts (with the book being mainly set in first person) and you quickly learn that her interests strongly revolve around those of an alchemic, historic and marginally scientific background. If you're not used to reading around such subjects then it'll take a little time to get used to Diana's deep thought process; but once you get into the vibe of reading her thoughts and immediate family background, you can pretty much glide right into the story. Diana is a witch, the last remaining descendant from the well known Bishop family of witches. Though, regardless of having descended from high magic and power, Diana refuses to allow herself to connect with her magic and tries her best to act like a human.

The story, for the first portion of the book, is set in Oxford, England and is described beautifully. You get a real feel for the 'need to prep' for the start of term, as Diana begins taking notes in the Bodleian library for her upcoming lead presentation, thus leading her to request the manuscript of the infamous Ashmole 782.

Ahhh yes, Ashmole 782, the book that has been missing for more than 1500 years, give or take and it is highly sought after by the creatures in this world. Did I forget to mention? The world in A Discovery of Witches is habited by humans, witches, vampires and daemons. Human's are not aware of the other three creatures living among them but can become slightly aware if any of the three species intermingle; so they've got to be careful to stick to what they know, to not draw any attention - but back to Ashmole 782. Regardless of it being missing for hundreds and hundreds of years, when Diana requests to retrieve it (unknowingly) from the library's stacks, it came to her.

This one unknowing act set off alarms bells to any creature far and wide (apart from the humans because in this, they're the lesser of the four creatures) causing them to flood the Bodleian library waiting for Diana to recall Ashmole 782 (as she soon after gave it back to the library after having an altercation with it magically.) Enter Matthew Clairmont.

Matthew Clairmont, a vampire practically old as time, arrives at the library after hearing the wide spread rumour that a witch in Oxford has possession of Ashmole 782. Matthew has been searching for this manuscript for as long as it has been missing, as it is said to have all the information on how creatures came to be. His aim is to use this information to better understand vampire origins as well as the origins of the creatures around him. Daemons desire the book for similar reasons, whereas higher witches want access to this book to learn how to destroy vampires once and for all.

Like Matthew, all creatures believe that Diana still has possession of the book, however he quickly learns that Diana gave it back to the library and accidentally becomes drawn to her, slowly revealing to her why he wants to access such manuscript. Diana, curious and aware of Matthew, as she had never met or spent time with a vampire, opens up to Matthew and they both begin to have feelings for one another without revealing it one another. After spending numerous meals, light romantic moments and general time with each other, Diana tells Matthew that she will recall Ashmole 782 for his work but later fails. In the meantime, Diana receives numerous threats from fellow witches, causing Matthew (who has grown extremely protective over Diana) to remain by her side and promise to protect her from any danger.

On a visit to Matthew's lab, where Marcus and Miriam work (other vampires - Marcus being Matthew's son), Diana offers her blood so they can test the DNA and get a better understanding of creatures. Later, the results reveal that Diana carries every strand of magic within her DNA. Witches usually have one to two talents, ranging from a wide list of variables - Diana has them all, even a few magical strands they haven't yet identified. Matthew keeps this information from Diana, fearing it might be too much for her to cope with.

Matthew arranges for Diana to live somewhere else in fear that she is not safe. As Diana goes to collect her belongings from her room, she receives a photograph of her dead parents in the mail with the reminder that her parents were killed (when she was seven) by other witches instead of humans. Matthew decides it is the final straw and takes Diana away from Oxford and to France to his home where is Vampire mother, Ysabeau, lives in Sept-Tours, an amazing stone fortress. Here, Matthew and Diana hide and spend time with one another, growing closer. Their growing relationship causes them to receive threats from the Congregation - a tri-creature formation that enforces a set of rules made long, long ago that entails that creatures are never to form relationships. Immediately after this threat, Matthew gets word that his lab back in Oxford has been broken into and decides to go back to England, leaving Diana behind at Sept-Tours with the promise that once he returns, they will separate and never see each other again.

Before his departure, Diana lays down that she loves Matthew indefinitely, though he doesn't return the sentiment. As soon as he leaves, Diana experiences witchwater for the first time - an element of her power slowly unravelling. While Matthew is away, Diana is restless yet exhausted and frightened that Matthew will strike a deal with the witch, Peter Knox, that he will leave Diana alone and neither of them will have access to Ashmole 782 - a deal that Diana desperately doesn't want Matthew to make.

One evening while Diana sleeps, Ysabeau comes to the bedroom and Matthew (via a phone) tells Diana he is coming home to France and that he loves her. On his arrival several hours later, they both proclaim their love for one another, promising to take on whatever and whoever would stand in their way and both share a binding kiss. Such a kiss now declares Diana as part of the de Clermont family, as well as now becoming Matthew's wife in a 'vampire mating' rule. They then spend the next day or two relaxed and doing the cute things couples tend to do. Until, Matthew falls asleep (and in this world, vampires can sleep but don't need to very often but when they do, they sleep like the dead) Diana has a bite of breakfast and walks into the gardens where she is snatched from the sky by a witch.

The witch, Satu, takes Diana to nearby castle ruins where two vampires are waiting. After a small squabble, the vampires leave the two witches, where Satu repeatedly assaults Diana, throwing her around with her magic, beating her up and trying to turn her against the vampires. Satu gets frustrated by Diana when she doesn't fight back and decides to try and open her up to reveal her secrets and magic. When I say open up, I literally mean use magic on her back and try to split the skin and open her up. Pain. This continues for hours as on the other side of the story, Matthew, his mother and housekeeper have been looking for at least ten hours. Satu, after having the final straw, takes Diana down to the dungeons and throws Diana down a Oubliette (a sixty foot hole) and promises to be back with more witches who will be sure to crack her open.

Diana, pained and beaten, begins to see ghosts around her for the first time (thanks to the unknown magic talents of communicating with the dead) Her mother, as a ghost is also there, soothing Diana and tells her a rehearsed bedtime story of a witch being bound by ribbons who loves a Prince of shadows - sound familiar? In this story, the witch is tossed into a deep hole and the Prince finally finds her but can't get to her, so the witch unties the ribbons and flies out the hole herself.

Above the Oubliette, Matthew and his brother Baldwin managed to locate the castle ruins and finds the hole Diana was thrown down, with the anticipation that the witches will be back. Matthew pleads with Diana that she needs to fly out as he can't get to her. Diana, in her minds eye, weakly untangles and invisible thread and floats up the thin hole to Matthew, who quickly takes her back to Sept-Tours. The vampires bathe and examine Diana's brutal injuries, swearing deeply in old French at the sight of her back that we later find out is scarred with Matthew's seal - the witch, Satu, has branded Diana as Matthew's property. In a further attempt to keep Diana safe, they decide to fly over to Madison, USA to Diana's aunts house.

Arriving at the house in Madison, Matthew and Diana got welcomed by the house (as it is alive) and the bi-polar cat, Tabitha. Aunt Sarah and Em help Diana heal from the injuries she received from her encounter with Satu. After several conversations, Matthew, Sarah and Em discuss that Diana is spellbound - which Diana overhears - causing the house to get their attention and delivers a torn page from Ashmole 782 and a long waited message from Rebecca Bishop (Diana's mum) It was written just before Diana's seventh birthday, detailing that their plan to fool the congregation that the strong powers Diana posses was her father's, Stephen, and not hers - resulting in the parents murder in Africa. Rebecca writes that she can see a shadowed man in Diana's future and that she has tied her magic to Diana's feelings for the shadowed man and that he will help her gain control of her powers.

Marcus and Miriam arrive with the findings that cross species breeding is possible and that the imagery within the torn page of Ashmole 782 (from Rebecca) resembles Diana and Matthew - a marriage and that what follows marriage is conception. They also surprise her with the news that she was a twin in the womb, but when her brother died she absorbed his powers, thus maker her greater than they already know. Diana holds a great amount of power but has no control over any of it, unless it is for necessity.

Shortly after this, Matthew and Diana are met in the woods by Juliette, a vampire from Matthew's past that was created to seduce Matthew and worm her way into his family so report back to Gerbert, one of many creatures that poses a threat to Diana. Here, Juliette wants to understand Diana's power over Matthew and ends up attacking Matthew to a point where he is in the hands of death. Diana finds her witchfire and kills Juliette then sacrifices her own blood to Matthew, making a promise of anything to the hunter goddess Diana in order to save his life. After such a wish was granted, Diana then wakes to the three vampires of the house tending to her, Miriam acting as the main host in Diana's savour, mending her back together after Matthew fed from a self inflicted cut on her elbow and a bite on her neck, causing him to survive.

Diana spends the next few days recovering and trying to practice magic, though she inexplicitly continues to fail and accidentally discovers she can timewalk (much like she did when she was only a toddler.) Matthew firmly states that there will be no timewalking as it is unsafe, until he realises that to timewalk may be the only way they can get away from the threat and pressure of the congregation. Timewalking to another time will allow them to have time to be ready to face them, when Diana has mastered her powers.

Two daemons arrive at the door, Nathanial and Sophie, who are in search for Diana. Sophie is a daemon born from two witches and is also pregnant with a witch (an incredibly uncommon situation). Sophie has been having dreams where she can see Diana's face and is also in possession of a figurine that has passed down through her family, with the instructions to give it to the witch that needs it - Sophie believes that this witch is Diana. Upon seeing the metal figurine, Matthew instantly recognises it as a chess piece he lost in a bet a very long time ago.

With careful planning, consideration, and the arrival of Hamish - Matthew's daemon friend - they each prepare for Diana's and Matthew's departure into the past. Hamish made sure that all their affairs would be in order once they were gone. Matthew formed the plan that they would separate from the house and then regroup in Sept-Tours.

All saying goodbye, Nathaniel and Sophie (and their little unborn witch) left first, followed by Sarah and Em, then Marcus and Miriam. The goodbyes were quite emotional and you could feel the unspoken worry that their goodbyes may be the last one. Matthew and Diana spent the last day in the house together, tidying away anything that would reveal their plans to unfriendly eyes, enjoying the pleasures of modern necessities like hot water and food like pizza, and tending the to trick-or-treaters as they were due to depart at midnight on Halloween. Before departing, Matthew showed Diana the third object they would be taking with them - as ideally, bringing along objects from the past will help with the timewalking. The objects being the metal figurine Sophie gave to Diana, one of Ysabeau's earrings and now a written manuscript. Within the old time clothing Marthe sent forward for them to wear in the past, they discover that Ysabeau packed a ring that her late husband, Philippe, gave to her. Matthew presents it to Diana and they exchange in vows, solidifying their vampire union as husband and wife.

With the three objects they need to hold, in order to point them in the right direction in time, Diana and Matthew take their first step and timewalk to 1590.

Sky Series of A Discovery of Witches

For those who have not read the books, you don't need to read them to understand and enjoy this series - I came across the tv series first and went looking for the books, I was already hooked. And for those who have read the books and move onto the series - you will NOT be disappointed. Everything happens and I don't think anything has been left out. So sit back and just enjoy this series for what it is, the story that you love.

After getting to know the personalities of the characters in the books, I can honestly say that the casting for this series was ON POINT with each and every character.

Matthew Goode and Teresa Palmer are exceptionally fantastic at portraying Matthew and Diana (and I love that Matthew Goode is called Matthew and plays Matthew Clairmont) They both relax into the roles as if it was made for them, they work together to create Matthew and Diana and together hold all the quirky details the reader loves about the couple, right down to the height difference.

Alex Kingston and Valarie Pettiford make a brilliant Sarah and Em, as well as Lindsay Duncan as the stern yet maternal Ysabeau - honestly, whoever worked the casting for this series needs a serious congratulations for their brilliantness and a raise.

A massive praise to the cast and crew itself, who have brought the pages of Deborah Harkness's A Discovery of Witches to life in the most amazing visuals. The only thing I can critique about the show is that I wish it was longer than 10 episodes per season!! I watched the first season in a day and then finished the second season the next day and I will be waiting eagerly for the third season to drop in 2022.


There was a lot to the story that I purposely left out to leave something for you to discover if I have convinced you to pick up the books and read or watch the series yourself. I have seriously enjoyed reading the first book and I'm already eyeing up the second book, Shadow of Night.

It has very quickly become my favourite show/book series and I will definitely be coming back to reread it. This story is one that will sit with me like Harry Potter has sat with others - is it truly a work of literary art.

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