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  • Writer's pictureCharlotte's Cup of Tea

My Reading List - What to read next

Throughout this year I have been immersed in Anna Todd's book series, 'After'. I have just started the fourth book, which sadly will be the last one in the main storyline. I'm aware that there are three additional books called 'Before' which is a prequel based around the lead male character and then another two called, 'Nothing More' and 'Nothing Less', but, they are just spin offs and not part of the main story. I've decided that I will be doing a book review when I complete the last book but for now, I want to discuss the next few books I'm planning on reading. So make a cup of tea, settle down and see what you think about these titles.

Anna Todd, 'After We Fell' Book Three


So, it's no secret in my house that I am a BIG fan of Nicholas Sparks. I have been reading his books for yeeears and this year he released his new novel, 'The Return'. I managed to get this book on a preorder and it arrived not too long ago, but I've saved it to be a Christmas present, especially as 'After' has been consuming much of my reading time (yes, I'm a one book at a time kind of gal.)

Since the books launch, I have seen SO MANY good reviews, people saying that Sparks had once again knocked it out of the park, which is just music in my ears.

His books are always beautifully written and usually set in North Carolina. I have never been there but it is definitely on my bucket list all because of this man and his books! Each place description, the overall surroundings and the romance just takes me to a mental state of bliss.

So needless to say, I'm incredibly excited to open this Christmas day and dive into it!

Nicholas Sparks, 'The Return'


Next, an absolute anticipated read. 'You' by Caroline Kepnes. Admittedly, I watched the Netflix series You first and was super excited to find out that the series was based from a book. I was lucky enough to find both books, 'You' and 'Hidden Bodies' (the second book) in The Works and I bought them quicker than you can say Joe Goldberg, or Penn Badgley, or Dan Humphrey - any name preference will work perfectly fine...

I really enjoyed watching the series, it was dark, mysterious and oddly found myself routing for Joe and that he doesn't get caught? Amazing how the way a story can be told that you end up forming a liking to the villain of the story. I will be very excited to read it and compare it to the series and see if any of my opinions change in the mean time.

Caroline Kepnes, 'You'


Next, 'Murder on the Orient Express', by Agatha Christie I cannot wait to get into this book! I love a little crime and mystery. Without getting into it just yet, it's already reminding me of the Professor Layton games (which I love) I'm going to have to try hard not to picture the detective wearing a large brown top hat and coat.

I've had a flick through the book and there's even a layout of the train and all the room compartments, including who they belong to. So even as you read through this book you can try to work out who did it. What I love about this is that it's got a very Cluedo feel to it - It was Mr White, with the dagger, in the ballroom - type of thing.

Agatha Christie, 'Murder on the Orient Express'


So, that's it for now, short and sweet! Well, for 'new' never read books anyway!

Every time I finish a book or a book series, before choosing what's next to read, I do ponder on the books I've already read. There are some always, always favourites that I've read so many times, I'm always keen to go back to like Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Then you have the books series you really have to open yourself to reading again like the Harry Potter books, the Twilight saga and, my newly favourite series, the Fallen saga by Lauren Kate (absolutely LOVE those books)

I'm excited to see what comes from Christmas, hopefully I'll receive something new to add to this list!

Let me know what's on your reading list, I'd love to know!

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